Neuromarketing y el impacto en la decisión de compra

Neuromarketing and its impact on purchasing decisions

In a highly competitive market, technology and innovation are critical to differentiation and we need a good neuromarketing strategy to understand consumers and meet their needs and expectations.

Using neuromarketing, retail marketing reveals what motivates clients to buy as the foundation for building strategies that lead them to making a purchase. Neuromarketing is a science that helps brands better grasp what clients want and need through commercial psychology.

95% of purchase decisions are made unconsciously and based on emotion.

We cannot change consumer behaviour but we can identify behavioural patterns, their needs, understand how they act in the point of sale, and find out what their motivation for making a purchase is.


Market research and big data

Data and market research help us understand what consumers actually expect from brands. Direct client feedback is important but it is not the only source we should consider as it only details how clients act but not their motives and intentions when selecting a brand. A psychological strategy is required to understand what consumers really think and feel.

Neuromarketing enables brands to work on consumer emotions to improve the customer experience.


Neuromarketing techniques for retail marketing

Neuromarketing uses neuroscience technologies to provide solutions to marketing problems. For example, electromyography is a technique based on placing electrodes on facial muscles to determine the emotions a person is feeling and the movements they cause. In this area, for example, consumer expressions when they react to certain stimulus can be recorded.

Retail marketing has various opportunities to create a unique user experience to boost sales, such as, for example:

Creating visually appealing spaces.

It is important to take care with design and image when we want to influence emotions and create pleasant, appealing spaces. For example, it has been shown that curved and circular shapes are more attractive to the human brain.

Attracting consumer attention

The first inputs that consumers receive when they approach the point of sale must be studied and worked on specially. First impressions matter and help to attract consumer attention.

Simplicity and ease

Studying the space and designing the point of sale in line with consumers’ mindset enables them to enjoy making an easy purchase.


Contact EVVO Retail to design new experiences in your point of sale.