retail desing

Retail design as a key to appealing to feelings and emotions at the point of sale

The market is calling out for points of sale in virtually all industries that deliver differential values that go beyond just the products sold there, to the point of appealing to feelings and emotions that improve the user experience while increasing brand awareness. Retail Design is the discipline that works on appealing to these emotional states.

Choosing the right professional team is key when it comes to properly developing projects with these very specific components.

This specialisation focuses on conducting in-depth analytical work beforehand, with a view to making consistent decisions and then rolling them out in the commercial space. What’s more, at the end of this process, to provide a creative perspective that seeks the comfort of the customer and the brand personality alike, in order to stand out from competitors and improve results.

The effectiveness of the analytical and drawing up process strives to foster a satisfying and enjoyable shopping experience with a wealth of emotional interaction.


How to choose a professional retail design team

If a company decides to undertake a Retail Design project, it’ll have to take into account certain aspects when choosing the professional team to bring its project to life so that they make the right decision:

  • Get to know the people who you’ll carry out the project with as well as jointly set out the process to be followed and the work schedule.
  • Opt for an experienced company with a bespoke methodology. Go for one that works in phases and that, after each one, holds validation meetings to consolidate the work carried out.
  • Ensure they have a multidisciplinary team that comprises engineers, architects or interior designers, specialists in strategic and conceptual marketing, technological innovation, industrial and graphic design, as well as other disciplines, that adapt to each project’s requirements.
  • Go for one that works conscientiously on the aspects of sustainability, accessibility, technology and innovation.


Evvo Retail has what it takes; we approach Retail Design in 6 phases geared towards efficiency and results:

  • Analysis of the initial situation and objectives
  • Shaping the concept and positioning
  • Preparation of the commercial space and all the physical, furniture and technological elements that go into it
  • We design the graphic image and the communication strategy and adapt it to the point of sale
  • We monitor the implementation of the project
  • We set out the future evolution strategy

We kick-off each project with a period of personal interaction with our client, during which we forge a very close relationship and regularly follow up the process, with a view to evaluating the project evolution as well as how we’ve added value to it.

Contact us without commitment, we will meet personally and jointly analyze your project.