digital transformation for a better customer experiences

Technological innovation at the point of sale

The digital era has deeply transformed today’s society creating new platforms and business processes, but does this phenomenon affect my point of sale? The answer is yes, of course.

Digital transformation is an essential aspect to consider in retail marketing, as we have to be at the forefront of the latest trends and strategies in the face of new paradigms in society and the market.

Integrating new technologies to the digitalization of shops and businesses will help us to create unique experiences and change and make the life of the consumer easier, giving them added value and replacing their role as customer for that of user.

Retail intelligence is the new challenge facing the retail industry, to promote customer satisfaction, as well as impulse buying and other opportunities, thanks to real-time interaction with dynamic content (attractive and changing images, interactive videos, personalized texts…). One of the main benefits of digitalization at the point of sale is the improvement in the customer experience throughout the shopping trip, both before entering our space, and once our customer is inside, until they leave.


Digital transformation for a better customer experiences

The digital transformation at the point of sale will make the user be at the fore of their shopping experience, where they will feel free to interact with the brand as well as feeling satisfied that they can easily find what is needed or wanted.

Tools such as RFID tags, screen mirror, beacons, augmented reality or VR glasses, among others, are some of the gadgets that will allow us to offer unique experiences at the point of sale, and at the same time offer promotions, offers or personalized updates. The main aim is to make the customer experience both unforgettable and captivating while promoting our sales at the same time.

Some of the opportunities we have in this regard are RFID tags or beacons, which allow us to identify the needs and interests of the user, as well as their behaviour. They are mechanisms that allow us to connect the right person at the right moment, offering them the best message and at the same time including the corresponding metrics in order to measure the impact. This aspect is essential for overcoming omnichannel challenges, where the client purchases what they want, at the time they want, and the way they want.

The added values ​​of digitalization will allow us to work on customer loyalty, being able to offer personalized products, wishing customers a happy birthday, improving messages, etc. In this case, the screen mirror takes on special importance because it is a great opportunity to offer the user the ability to interact with the brand, in the fashion industry in particular. Can you imagine trying on a virtual jacket? Or receiving recommendations on sizes, colours or ideal pieces of clothing according to your body type and style?

Another one of the great advances in digitalization in retail marketing is virtual reality and augmented reality, due to the significant impact that they pose within the industry and when it comes to selling a product or service. Virtual reality glasses are an example of revolutionary tools, as they allow, through visualization in the most realistic way possible, to experience a holiday package, the different rooms in a house for sale, the interior of a car, etc. and that this constitutes an added value when it comes to buying.

Allowing the client to interact with the brand and the space, as well as identifying the way they behave and their needs in real-time, are some of the great challenges that allow us the gather retail intelligence that will help us to set ourselves apart, to be able to create personalized strategies and be the chosen ones.

Get in touch with Evvo to digitally transform your space.


Photo © Peter Kent