tienda hiperfísica evvo retail

The hyperphysical store. Street trading is still alive.

The effect of the pandemic on the retail world has caused a reaction that has led to the creation of the hyperphysical store.  

Little by little, buyers are recovering their pre-pandemic habits and once again sharing small spaces with other people. With this trend in mind and going beyond experiential marketing, physical stores on street level have evolved to give this process a boost and speed it up.  

What is a hyperphysical store? 

Hyperphysical stores offer a higher level of personal experience. They provide an incentive to create the desire to physically go to the store and, once there, they surround the potential customer in such a way that they generate good feelings that become memorable.  

The hyperphysical store is now a point of entertainment, beyond a place for only seeing, touching and buying products. Things happen that you can only find in that specific store and that later you will always associate with it. These experiences are designed to be enriching and thus, in some way, become part of the consumer’s life in order to try to always remain present.  

The use of technology in stores is increasingly becoming essential when it comes to creating that extra bit of attraction. Some of the actions they have taken include offering appointments and try-before-you-buy services to further personalise the experience. In this way, new sales models must take into account specific values of other sectors to create memorable, more unique and immersive experiences.  

The concept of a hybrid store, between the physical and the digital, is on the rise every day. That’s why the hyperphysical store must also be connected to its virtual store. The customer’s contact with the brand needs to be positive and remarkable so that later they can complete their purchase online if they haven’t done so in person during their visit. 


At Evvo Retail we have experience creating immersive projects for hyperphysical stores, in which we have incorporated different solutions such as interactive living areas, cultural spaces, areas for talks, courses or conferences, dynamic kitchen areas, among others. 

Find your partner in Evvo Retail to create the strategy you need to take a leap with your business. Contact us and we will advise you to start the new course towards better results.